Development of aRPG isometric game with the proprietary
GAIA system (Group AI Action)
- Eligible costs: 3 927 015,50 PLN
- Grant amount: 2 356 209,30 PLN
- Project implementation period: 01.07.2020 – 31.05.2022
The project aims to develop a prototype of an innovative Action Role Playing Game which will be distinguishable from others in the genre by its immersive gameplay with an emphasis on an innovative approach to group combat.
The game will be addressed to the players who are looking for novelty and challenges in the available titles. Increasing the realism in enemy behaviors during the group combat and attacking with the use of the environment will add unpredictability in AI behavior in the game and introduce an innovation to the global video game market.
This achievement will be possible through research and development which will result in the creation of the proprietary GAIA system (GROUP AI ACTION) – an artificial intelligence system supervising the set-up and control of group actions on the stage in real-time.